
Thursday, August 9, 2012

Burning Bridges

In my last blog, I talked about putting our differences aside. This is going to be kind of the same. 
This is something I personally have to fight everyday. I like to stretch and make people think, but sometimes I come off as making that person feel like they are the dumbest person in the world or I think that i know it all. It is hard for me to be wrong. It's not my intentions, but it just happens that way.
Is that an excuse? 

Which is better our intentions or the outcome of the situation?

2 timothy 2:23-24 is a verse that I struggle to be. It states that we should not waste our time with ignorant controversies. Me and my friends do this all the time. We argue of stupid things and It just hurts our relationship. 

Why do we waste our time?

My friend Jeff is very close to me. We are basically like brothers. We got into a dumb fight over football. Women if you are wondering, what men do and why get mad. It is all footballs fault and the fact that we can not be wrong. 

So we are arguing and it was over something small that didn't matter. Then we start arguing over things that bothering us deep down inside. Most people would say that we need to get that stuff on table so that we can move on. 


The argument was to heated and nothing good would come out of it. when your emotions are involved, you started to take stuff to personal. That is what happen in this instance. We both started trying to hurt each other instead of talking it out. 

Can we not lay ourselves down? 

Can we be right and still wrong?

 I don't want to be a bridge burner. This is a lesson that my dad taught me. We are so stuck on being right that we sever relationships with people that we need. You might not agree on every thing but you need those people to understand the other side of things. 

The Devil delights in simple arguments because it starts with nothing and it begins to leak into everything. Denominations in the christian society have built an almost hatred towards other denominations because of a stupid disagreement. When we let that happen, the Devil wins.

Dear God, help me lay myself down, so that I might be more Kingdom minded. I am so selfish and I want to live a life that is pleasing to you. 

How can we call ourselves Christians if we are not one as a bride. It would be like me going up to a married couple and saying I like you to one spouse, and hate the other! It can not be done. 

This is a concept that we as Christians ignore or miss. We should not be fighting within the body. Every one has a place in the body. We may not agree, but If it is not a salvation issue then it is a waste of time.

We focus so much on other people, when we should take a good look at ourselves first. (Matthew 7:3)

Jeff I am sorry man. You are like a brother to me and I am working  to better myself. I may slip and fall. The best thing about you is that I may make you mad sometimes, but you can always see past my weakness. I am so glad that you will be a groomsman in my wedding and I know that you will always be there for me in life. I am sorry that I hurt our friendship by trying to be so right. 

Please forgive me

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