
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Speaking in Tongues

I was raised in an Assembly of God home. I was taught that speaking in tongues was for today and that the Church should be using this gift should be in practice all the time. In this blog I want to get out what I believe about speaking in tongues and what I don't believe in. I go to an Assembly of God school, but I don't exactly agree with everything that is taught about this subject. I will back up my beliefs with Scripture. So here we go...

I will start an stay primarily in 1 Corinthians. I will hit on Acts a little bit too. Now I know this is a very controversial blief, and I just want you to know where I stand. 

Now in a lot of Pentecostal there is more visibility or affirmation given to this gift today, then in others denominations, they say that it doesn't exist for today and that Pentecostals are wrong. These other churches have different explanations for what is going on when the gift occurs. 

I am going to say what I believe this gift is first. I think that it was a person's  spirit praying or praising God in syllables that the speaker didn't understand because it was not a language that person spoke.

Now what do I mean by a person's spirit praying?

Paul talks about this a lot. Paul says that my spirit prays, but my mind is unfruitful. he is saying that part of you, when you are not really sure what is going on. That is actually communicating with God in syllables. I think that is what is happening. 

Is this gift for today?

I do believe that this gift is for today. Do I think there are abuses and mistakes with using this gift? Yes!!!
Do I agree with the idea that everyone should speak in tongues as a sign of baptism in the Holy Spirit? No!!! 
I know this may shock some people since I go to an Assembly of God School, and I will tell you why As we go on. 

speaking in languages would be a better interpretation I think, rather than speaking in tongues, because the greek word Glossa just means physical tongue, but then also it can mean in english means language so speaking tongues could be viewed as speaking in another language.  That is how people would have seen it in Biblical times. Tongues is so firmly fitted in the english translation so no point in fighting it. so I guess we are just stuck with this terminology for speaking in tongues. 

Lets see where this takes place in the Bible....

In the history of redemption just go back and think about the whole history of the Bible.

Genesis 11-  Adam and Eve are speaking the same language and God is communicating with them, then everyone on Earth was speaking the same language for the 1st 10 chapters of the Bible, but then you have rebellion against God. Then Genesis 11 you have the story of the Tower of Babel, and God confused their languages.  There was a unified language before the tower of Babel used in rebellion of God, then to stop this God confused all the langues and scattered them amongst the Earth. Genesis 11:9  " and scattered among the Earth" 
So now all the languages on Earth today originate from God's imposing this diversity on a bunch of people so they spoke different langues and couldn't understand each other, and stop building this tower. 

In God's call of Abraham, there began to be one people out of the Earth that means one language that was in service to God, and the other languages are still serving and worshiping idols and used in rebellion of God. So after the curse of the diversion of languages. Then Hebrew became the language that served as a language of praises to God. 

Now we go to revelation, where we talk about a new Heavens and new Earth. We see a unity in language being restored so that all will praise God. We will all be able to understand each other. It could me that we speak all those languages or God has all speaking one language. Here are some scriptures to back that up. 
Revelations 7,9,12
Zephaniah 3:9 
Isaiah 19:18

In the New Testament there is kind of a partial step between just one language and all languages. this is where we get into speaking in tongues. There is some what of a fore taste of the unity of language that will exist in Heaven but its given in only sometimes and only in partial way. 

In Pentecost the Holy Spirit empowered the disciples to preach, so that vistors to Jerusalem heard God's mighty works in their own languages. That is Acts 2. That is where a 120 are in the upper room and fire falls on them. Now, I think that fire is a symbol of purification here, so God is purifying. I think that God is purifying language and maybe them, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other languages as the spirit gave them ability. 
This is a gift from the Holy Spirit. 
Then the Jews from ever nation under Heaven was in Jerusalem, and they heard people speaking in their language that normally didn't and they were amazed. 
We here them saying that they were speaking of the awesome works of God in their native language, then we see others saying that they just had to much wine. This is when Peter says that they are fulfilling Joel 2 

Then later on we see speaking in tongues in the worship services and interpretation. 
Then there is private speaking in tongues for you and God only that Paul speaks of. 

1 Corinthians 14:14 -15
14 For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays but my mind is unfruitful. (This doesn't mean the Holy spirit. It means his own Human spirit the non-material part of us. It's what we call soul or spirit)15 What am I to do? I will pray with my spirit, but I will pray with my mind also;(so what he is saying is that sometimes he will pray in tongues and other times he will pray in Greek or a language he understands) dI will sing praise with my spirit, but I will esing with my mind also.

What is speaking in Tongues?
Defined- Is prayer or praise spoken in syllables that are not understood by the speaker. I think that it is prayer or praise. I do not think that it is a message from God to the church that would fall under prophecy, because of these verses. 

1 Corinthian 14:2 - One that speaks in tongues, speaks not to man, but to God!

1 Corinthian 14:14 - If I pray in a tongue my spirit prays (which indicates that it is to God) but my mind is unfruitful. 

1 Corinthian 14:28 he categorizes speaking in tongues as praying or giving thanks

1 Corinthian 14:2 and 19 

One that speaks in tongues does not speak to man but to God for no one understands him, but he utters mysteries in the spirit. 

verse 13 - one that speaks in tongues should pray for the power of interpretation. 
other wise if you give thanks with your spirit how can anyone as an outsider say amen to your thanksgiving, when he doesn't know what you are saying? 

This is like going on the missions field, when you go to another country and do not speak the language. You get an interpreter so you can understand what they are saying. you would not say amen to some one speaking in another language, when you don't know what he said, but with the interpreter you can figure out what they say and agree and say amen. 

Then Paul goes on to say that he glad he speaks in tongues more than all of them. . Nevertheless, in church I would rather speak 5 words in mind than 10000 words in tongues. 

so he would rather speak in a language people understood. 

This I think is very convincing evidence against the idea that speaking in tongues was always speaking known foreign language,

 because Paul says that no one understands it. so it isn't a known foreign language. Which would seem that Paul did this in private. I am not persuaded by people, who say it was a known language. Even though it was in Acts it seems like that was a special moment that God allowed for it to be in a known language. 
We get this people that say speaking in tongues must be in a known language because of pentecost, but my response is just because that happened once in Scripture doesn't mean that it will always happen that way. especially when 1 Corinthians 14 says the opposite. 

Paul doesn't say that foreign visitors to corinth will understand the speaker, but instead says no one will understand that seems pretty precise to me. 

Also in 1 Corinthians 14 its Pauls general instructions on basics of why the experience of tongues speaking in many other Churches. Acts describes one unique event at a significant turning  point  in the course of redemptive history. I think that God allowed the languages to be understood in this specific instance. 

It's prayer with the spirit and not with the mind. 
This is what I said at the very beginning. 
"If I pray in a tongue my spirit prays, but my mind is unfruitful. what will I do?"
Paul basically says sometimes I will pray in tongues and sometimes I will pray in my own language. 

Paul is not talking about the Holy Spirit praying through us, rather it is OUR spirit praying. 
The reason for me thinking this is because he says MY spirit and MY mind. This mean that it is himself as a Human being, so it is not the Holy spirt. However the holy spirt does empower it. 

Why would God give such a gift?

Maybe to keep us humble and prevent intellectual pride, remind us that God is divine and he works beyond our own understanding, and he works in the unseen spiritual realm. 

Now what happens when someone speaks in tongues?

Some people who claim to have this gift say that it is just like talking a language they understand like English. I am totally in control of what I am doing. I can stop it or start it at will. I think that Paul confirms this that it is not to be crazy and out of control. 

1 Corinthians 14:27 - If anyone speaks in a tongue let there only be two or at the most three, and each in turn and let someone interpret. 

This says that they are taking turns. It doesn't seem like it is possible for it to be out of control. 

Then it goes on to say that if no one interprets then they should be silent and only speak to God. 

This is how it should be handle in the Church. If there is no interpreter then you should be silent. 
He then goes on to say that those who speak in tongues edifies them self, but those who prophecy edifies the Church. 

Paul says that if someone speaks in tongues without an interpreter that they will be acting like children and he says don't do this. - 1 Corinthians 14:20 - brother do not children in your thinking be infants in evil, but your thinking be mature. 
He gives this quotation our Isaiah 28 after this and that says.  " In the laws of people written in strange tongues and lips of foreigners  I speak to this people and they will still not understand me." so here the context is God has been warning the people of Israel that they straying from him, and they need to return to him and reject his warning. Finally Gods says alright the next time I speak to you, it will be through the Assyrians. The army of Assyria is going to conqueror you, and be speaking a language you don't know.  

It is Judgement. 

Paul takes a warning passage from the old testament, and says thus are tongues are a sign, not for believers, but for unbelievers. 

What Kind Of Sign?

I think he means a sign of Judgement for unbelievers. Tongues are a sign of Judgement for unbelievers. 

what I mean by this is you are causing people to stumble because unbelievers will walk out of the Church  saying you are out of your mind. so no good 

This is why an interpreter is so important because if you don't tongues becomes a sign of Judgement to the unbelievers and that is not good. The unbelievers will just leave the church. 

Is Paul saying then don't speak in tongues? No
he is saying that you just need to have some to interpret for everyone to understand. 

Now we move on to prophecy and tongues 

Pauls says that it is better for everyone to prophecy than to speak in tongues. 
By better I think he means that it brings more blessing to the Church than speaking in tongues. 

Not all speak in tongues. This is where I differ with the Pentecostals. Paul says that it is just like any other gift not every one will speak in tongues. 

1 Corinthians 12:27-31 - 27 Now you are the body of Christ and individuallyrmembers of it. 28 And sGod has appointed in the church firsttapostles, second uprophets, third teachers, then vmiracles, then gifts of healing, xhelping, yadministrating, and vvarious kinds of tongues. 29 Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all work miracles? 30 Do all possess gifts of healing? Do all speak with tongues? Do all interpret? 31 But earnestly desire the higher gifts.
And I will show you a still more excellent way.

In this passage you probably answered no to all the above in that scripture. I think that the evidence is very strong to back up the idea that we will have different gifts and if you read 1 Corinthians 12, you see Paul talking about the body and how we all have different functions in the body of Christ and I think this is talking about speaking in tongues along with other gifts

I took a lot of this from a podcast done by wayne grudem. I agree with him on this area and This is pretty much his notes from his podcast. 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

A Changing Generation.

This Generation is changing. 
Is it changing for good or bad?
I would argue this generation is looking for something, but they are not going to take it at face value. This generation is full of  people that have to have facts and are looking for something that is intellectual and deep. They aren't going to listen to your ideas about God if you can't explain them.
You need to be prepared and ready for any question. 
They aren't going to buy into your crap answers like...
 well you just need to know God is God and you don't need to question that!
What a weak answer. 
If that was what I based my faith off of I would not be a christian today. 
I needed prove. I needed all the evidence that I could find. 

Bobby Hill is one of my greatest friends, he is a man that intensely studies the scriptures because he is a man that cannot believe something with out evidence or some kind of proof. He also is man that wants to understand God in every way possible. He is one of the people that constantly forced me to study and understand what I believe. He showed me that where ever I stand I need to have understanding to the fullest of scripture. 
I remember one night he called me out and said "Josh you aren't studying like you need to. You have people under you, and you are letting them down. You aren't living up to what God has for you because you have stop studying and searching for answers." That changed my life I have never been same. I understand the cost of being a Christian and the knowledge and wisdom that comes with that. I have tried my best to be ready for anything. I am still growing, but I know what I believe and why I believe it. I am still studying everyday and harder than ever, thanks to Bobby.  

Now there are areas that God doesn't reveal to us, but I believe that we need to study before we just say that God is God and it is wrong to question him. 
I think that God delights in us trying to figure him out. 
Is that what building a relationship is?
Dosen't God want us to be in relationship with him?

I was sitting in a class and we had a guest speaker. He said that we are dealing with Atheist people and it is a shame that our Generation is like this .
That is a shame that they chose that path, but most Atheist have a reason for not believing in God, and it is not unreasonable at face value because look at us, always using the word "Faith" to get us out of hard questions. I have also learned that they know scripture better than some Christians. Christians need to be in the word and tackle the big questions if they don't someone will.  That is the bigger shame, I would argue, that Christians aren't asking the hard questions and just saying all you need is faith. Don't get me wrong I believe in faith, but I don't believe in blind faith (copyright: Bobby Hill). I believe that God does not lead us blindly. That he leads us to certain points that we need faith but the evidence is much greater than the alternative. 

This generation is changing. 
I think we say it is for the bad because we are scared and not prepared. 
It is time to study the word and stand up for what we believe in.
God is a God of wisdom. 
This youth director said that he had a doctor of science and physics in his church, but he was not a believer. The Doctor asked this DYD (district youth director) about creation and the DYD said I don't know you can read some books about it, but I don't have a strong opinion about it. 
I am sure he had strong opinion about it and he was coming with an open heart and you say read some books!!! I don't have a strong opinion!!! 

We need to understand what we believe and why. 
We need to be readers of the word.
 We need to study all that we can and be ready for any questions.
We will all be without excuse.

This Generation is changing.
Will you?

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Fearing God

I always remembered saying that I didn't like preachers that would try to scare me into believing in God.  I remember walking through this "Hell House;" the basic idea is to scare the Hell out of you. The people do this hoping that you will be so scared that you don't want to go to Hell and you will turn to God. I believe it is wrong show hell so that you follow Jesus. I think that is putting to much power into hell. It seems that this is almost putting a sense of power in hell. I am against that. 

But is there some fear that is GOOD? 
I would argue YES.

We must fear God. Throughout scripture we see this over and over again. 

Here are some Scriptures to back this Idea up.....

Eccl. 8:13 "yet because the wicked do not fear God, it will not go well with them, and their days will not lengthen"

In this you see that the wicked have no fear of God. They have been judged (there are consequences for not fearing God) and they do not fear, so they have no reason not to sin. The contrast of this would be the Christians that aren't wicked should fear God...

If you do not fear God, there is nothing to stop you from sinning...

Acts 10:35 "but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him."

God finds delight in those who fear Him and he finds you acceptable when you fear God. 

For Example:

My dad believed in spanking my booty at an early age in my life. It made me fear him and yet love him. After I got older he didn't have to spank me because....I love my dad and now I do what he says because I do not want to disappoint him because I love him.  

The best deterrent to sin is the fear of God instilled in you. 

Proverbs 8:13 is a good picture of this...

"So do not fear hell. It has no hold on you.... fear God and watch how it shapes you..."

So fear the Lord your God!

Here are the verses that I found that back this up!

  Lack of fear leads to sin and harm
Gen. 20:11
Eccl. 8:13
    Rom 3:12
     Deut 10:18
Psa. 19:9
 Acts 10:35
Acts 19:17
 2 cor 5:11

Deterrent to sin
  Exod. 20:18
  Lev 19:14
  Josh. 24:14
  Prov 8:13
   Prov 14:27
   Is. 11:2
 Jer. 5:22

Now I want all you to understand that God is not just fear. He is love, patient, kind and all that you have heard. But there is another side.... Wrath, fear, and judgment. we need to see both sides to fully understand God.  

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


I was sitting in a service at the College I go to.
One of the professors gets up and start to speak about not compromising.

As I began to think of what he was saying. I thought about how 
Christians have become passive agressive and we let things go instead of standing our ground. Christians need to know
that there are somethings worth standing for! 
Just make sure it is a stand worth standing for.....

I thought the issue with Chick-fil-a was an awesome moment for Christians. I have heard people that are saying we should
stand up for other things besides that..... You know what I 
have to say to those people..... You are right but....

The stand that I saw on that day was something beautiful. I have not seen Christians come together and stand for what they believe in, in such a long time. 

Specially in a America

No Compromise 

No one wants to be apart of something that is not willing to stand for what they believe in!!

It was the Beatles who said " you say you want a revolution Well, you know We all want to change the world..."

Everyone has something that they want to change in this world, but it is the ones, who stand up and fight for what they believe in that get stuff done!


Thursday, August 9, 2012

Burning Bridges

In my last blog, I talked about putting our differences aside. This is going to be kind of the same. 
This is something I personally have to fight everyday. I like to stretch and make people think, but sometimes I come off as making that person feel like they are the dumbest person in the world or I think that i know it all. It is hard for me to be wrong. It's not my intentions, but it just happens that way.
Is that an excuse? 

Which is better our intentions or the outcome of the situation?

2 timothy 2:23-24 is a verse that I struggle to be. It states that we should not waste our time with ignorant controversies. Me and my friends do this all the time. We argue of stupid things and It just hurts our relationship. 

Why do we waste our time?

My friend Jeff is very close to me. We are basically like brothers. We got into a dumb fight over football. Women if you are wondering, what men do and why get mad. It is all footballs fault and the fact that we can not be wrong. 

So we are arguing and it was over something small that didn't matter. Then we start arguing over things that bothering us deep down inside. Most people would say that we need to get that stuff on table so that we can move on. 


The argument was to heated and nothing good would come out of it. when your emotions are involved, you started to take stuff to personal. That is what happen in this instance. We both started trying to hurt each other instead of talking it out. 

Can we not lay ourselves down? 

Can we be right and still wrong?

 I don't want to be a bridge burner. This is a lesson that my dad taught me. We are so stuck on being right that we sever relationships with people that we need. You might not agree on every thing but you need those people to understand the other side of things. 

The Devil delights in simple arguments because it starts with nothing and it begins to leak into everything. Denominations in the christian society have built an almost hatred towards other denominations because of a stupid disagreement. When we let that happen, the Devil wins.

Dear God, help me lay myself down, so that I might be more Kingdom minded. I am so selfish and I want to live a life that is pleasing to you. 

How can we call ourselves Christians if we are not one as a bride. It would be like me going up to a married couple and saying I like you to one spouse, and hate the other! It can not be done. 

This is a concept that we as Christians ignore or miss. We should not be fighting within the body. Every one has a place in the body. We may not agree, but If it is not a salvation issue then it is a waste of time.

We focus so much on other people, when we should take a good look at ourselves first. (Matthew 7:3)

Jeff I am sorry man. You are like a brother to me and I am working  to better myself. I may slip and fall. The best thing about you is that I may make you mad sometimes, but you can always see past my weakness. I am so glad that you will be a groomsman in my wedding and I know that you will always be there for me in life. I am sorry that I hurt our friendship by trying to be so right. 

Please forgive me

Monday, August 6, 2012

O Brother, Lines that Separates and pull us together

I remember as young kids, my brother and I would fight all the time. 
We always had our eyes on what we wanted. 
But no matter what.... we are and were a tag team nothing separated us 
The lines that separated us just made us come together in a tighter bond.
Now we are both grown up, and yes we still have our disagreements.
My brother is now married and has a beautiful wife and son. He is a well accomplished 
musician. He wants to be a worship pastor one day. 
 It is awesome to see how close he is with God. He is a man that I am proud to call my brother
I am getting married next June and I am excited about that. I am attending college right now 
hoping to become a youth pastor. I am still a sinful man, but by the grace of God
each day, I am learning from my past mistakes. 
Now, Me and my brother are trying to find which paths we should go. I have
taken on a more liberal side and he is a little more conservative side.
What does this mean? 
That we go on arguing about the same things in life over and over? 
We learn from each other and the hardest thing that we must do is 
I have a hard time hearing his points sometimes and he doesn't always hear mine either, but 
does that mean we stop talking. 
No, because we are brothers. Even the world would say that this would be dumb for us to go
our separate ways. 
I am about to step on your toes if you are agreeing with me. 
why do the same thing with our Christian brothers. 
I was so proud of the Chick-fil-a movement. We all came together as one.
Catholics, Baptist, Pentecostal, Non-Denominational!!!
We were there to support. what we believe in. 
It has been a long time since I have seen Christians come together like that. 
Praise God!
I think as my brother would say and I agree.
 That we need to forget all the stupid arguments and focus on being kingdom minded.
We also need to learn that even when you are right...You can still be wrong. 

Keith I am so sorry for every time. I forget that you are running the same race as I am. Sorry about all the stupid words. I am sorry for always arguing with you about things that are not important to the kingdom of Heaven. 

I love you and you always have a bass player when you need one. 
and brother. 

Friday, March 16, 2012

Dying to live in the Sun

Do you have something that you believe is worth dying for? Do you have someone maybe that no matter what death you were going to face, you would be willing to give your life for someone? Maybe a close family member like a brother or sister, a spouse or some type of relationship that means a lot to you. Maybe a even crazier thought dying for someone you don't know. We see this all the time from firefighters, police officers, and soldiers. Now if you are in one of these roles, you know that you could be giving your life for someone else to have a better life or freedom. This concept is viewed as a high honor to give your life for another.

Then we get to Jesus. We find it so hard to believe that someone would give their life away so that we may have a better life. We try to dishonor Jesus who did what thousands of people do everyday and get honor for it, when that person might not have known the person they were saving. Maybe for you though it is not the fact of him dying...Maybe it is the fact that it is hard to believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. 

God. God is someone most people have a hard time trusting because we can't see him. We don't know which God is "The Real God". We hear so many ideas about God. Let's take this Idea and look at it a different way. The Sun is a huge mass of power and it is there. I mean yes we can see it during the day, but every morning we have faith that it will be there. Even if we don’t recognize that this is faith. This is like God. The sun is also like the trinity. You have the Sun (God) then you have the light that comes from the sun. It is all around us this could be seen as Jesus. Jesus is all around us and died for us. The light is part of the sun. Then you have the Holy spirt, which in this analogy is the heat. The holy spirit is what effects what we do. Some people might say our conscious, but as Christians we know it to be the Holy Spirit. They are all working together. They are all one. We can’t look directly at the sun or it may damage our eyesight but we can see the light that it puts of off and feel the heat. We can’t look directly at God due to our sinful nature but we can see the light or Jesus, and the holy spirit is something that is there, and with out it we are cold…Then the moon would be us (christians). We reflect the light and reflect it onto the dark world.
So When we look at it in this light of things. God, Jesus and The Holy Spirit are thing that aren’t as crazy as we make them out to be. All we need is faith.